Evaluation of Dharaniya Vega (Suppressible Urges) by developing tools of assessment W.S.R. to Manodaihika Siddhant (Psychosomatic Concept) and role of Sattvavajay Chikitsaa in Suppression of Dharaniya Vega -A Clinical and Assessment protocol


  • Munishwar Divya Associate Professor
  • Borkar Preeti Associate Professor
  • Sharma Srihari Associate Professor


Ayurveda, Dharaniya Vega, Manodaihika Siddhant, Sattvavajay Chikitsa, Dosha


Background- Psychosomatic concept (Manodaihika Siddhanta), Dharaniya Vega (urges to be suppressed or controlled) and Sattvavajay Chikitsa (psychotherapy) are concepts of Ayurveda which are the core of this study. Psychosomatic concept is an inter-relationship of Mind (Manas) and body (Sharira). The diseases evolving due to mind-body interaction are termed as psychosomatic diseases.[1]Vega means the natural urges of the body and mind. Dharaniya Vega are the suppressible or controllable urges which are not only confined to psychological attribute but also to verbal and physical attributes.[2] Some diseases or their subtypes in Ayurveda are nomenclatured based on suppressible urges like Shokaja Atisara (diarrhea due to grief), Bhayaja Atisara (diarrhea due to fear), Kamaj Jwara (fever due to passion), etc.[3,4] Sattvavajay Chikitsa given in Charak Samhita is a psychotherapy which literary means controlling the mind from unhealthy actions which has been developed as a counselling tool.


Conclusion- The study will provide clinical evidence that will establish, the role of Dharaniya Vega in remedial or prevention of psychosomatic diseases and the role of Sattvavajay chikitsa in Dharaniya Vega.

Author Biographies

Munishwar Divya, Associate Professor

Department of Samhita and Siddhant,Shri Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Nagpur

Borkar Preeti, Associate Professor

Department of Samskrit-Samhita-Siddhant, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College,Hospital and Research Institute, Salod (H) Wardha

Sharma Srihari, Associate Professor

Department of Kaumarbhritya, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College,Hospital and Research Institute, Salod (H) Wardha





