boxers, hypertrophy, prevalence, trapezius muscleAbstract
Background: Boxers may be particularly prone to developing hypertrophy of the trapezius muscle, particularly on one side of the body, due to both
the nature of their sport and the training methods they employ. While the prevalence of trapezius muscle hypertrophy in boxers remains largely
unexplored, there are indications that this condition may be common. So, this research seeks to provide valuable insights and documentation
regarding its occurrence. Methodology: An observational study was conducted on 50 male boxers aged 18-30 years. Boxers with at least three
years of consistent exercise experience, with at least ve to six sessions each week were chosen randomly for this investigation. The outcome
measures were hypertrophy and strength measurements. Results: According to the ndings of this study, 48% of 50 boxers had unilateral trapezius
muscle hypertrophy. To investigate the relationship between unilateral hypertrophy and trapezius muscular strength, a Chi-square test was used
with SPSS software, and the Pearson value was 0.370. The test results show that there is no statistically signicant relationship between
hypertrophy and strength. Conclusion: The study concludes that the prevalence of unilateral trapezius muscle hypertrophy was 48%. Irrelevant to
the side of hypertrophy, the subject having unilateral side greater trapezius muscle strength, and this study could not establish an association
between unilateral hypertrophy and trapezius muscle strength, and there was also no association between unilateral side hypertrophy and