30 days Mortality, Trauma, MaharashtraAbstract
Background: One sixth of the total world population of the world lives in India. We have about ve lakh road trafc accident victims in the year.
However, the total deaths in India account for 21% of the world that's more one fth of the world mortality. Methods: Data was collected from
October 2022 to November 2022, in a tertiary care centre in Maharashtra. The patients who had come to the emergency with road or rail related
injuries, falls, assaults and burns were evaluated. Their on-admission presentation with vital parameters and methods of care were evaluated on
early (within 24 hours), delayed (24 hours to 7 days), and late (8 days to one month) mortality. Results: Of 500 patients in the study, 450 were
subjected to analysis. The 30-day mortality was 12.4% among all trauma victims early (within 24 hours) mortality was 2%, delayed (24 hours to 7
days) mortality was 7%, and late (8 days to one month) mortality was 3%. Abnormal parameters such as blood pressure on admission, GCS,
respiratory rate, heart rate, were observed among all patients. 30-day survival was markedly possible, by early initiation of trauma assessment and
monitoring as soon as possible upon arrival at the hospital. Conclusion: One in ten admitted trauma patients (12.4%) died in a tertiary care centre in
Maharashtra. Most of the trauma deaths were not on admission, but were at the late stage i.e. from 2nd to 7th day. Moreover, the vital parameters
measured on admission were a very strong predictor of mortality