Paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF), Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF),, Facial colliculus, Bell's palsyAbstract
Background- The facial colliculus syndrome is a rare entity(1) & etiology of facial colliculus lesions varies by age(2). Either of the Abducens
nucleus, the 7th nerve that loops around the Abducens nucleus, paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) & the medial longitudinal fasciculus
(MLF) can be involved causing vivid signs and symptoms.(2) The literature has limited reference on Facial colliculus syndrome with various
etiologies. The authors have made an attempt to highlight the ndings which could be related to the Facial colliculus syndrome. Case
presentation- The Clinical & imaging features of all the 3 patients showed signs of Facial colliculus in the dorsal pons leading to facial weakness
& horizontal gaze palsy.1 out of 3 patients was hypertensive and had previous history of neurological decit. All 3 patients were found to have
ischemic etiology & 1 patient on initial neurological examination mimics likes bell's palsy & was misdiagnosed on initial neurological
examination. Conclusion- Due to unusual presentations, FCS often can be mistaken as bell's palsy. So, patients complaining of facial weakness
with or without diplopia, a differential of facial colliculus syndrome should be considered & MRI brain plain and contrast to localize & characterize
the lesion should be done.